[ROM] [CM 12.1] Official CyanogenMod 12.1 (Android Lollipop 5.1) for Google nexus 5 CodeName: HammerHead [UPDATED]

Official nightly builds for Cyanogenmod 12.1 will be released very soon but not yet available for most of the devices.
But xda recognized developer mikegapinski has ported the Lollipop CyanogenMod 12.1 for Google Nexus 5.

Installing custom ROM requires a custom recovery to be installed on your device, which may VOID your warranty and may delete all your data.
Before proceeding further you may consider backup your all data.
Please visit the Disclaimer page below to agree with the risks involved and proceed before flashing this ROM to your phone:
ROM Disclaimer link

Recommended files for this installation:

Latest TWRP recovery download link
CyanogenMod 12.1(Lollipop 5.1) ROM download link
Google Apps download link

Installing CyanogenMod ROM:

The Nexus 5 has no built in EFS backup partitions. EFS contains things like your MEID or IMEI... your data profiles.. radio settings.
The EFS cannot be replaced... it is unique to your phone only... backing up your OWN EFS is highly recommended.
I will not be responsible for the consequences if you will not go for the EFS backup.
EFS backup link

Copy the ROM and Gapps zip file to your SD card or internal memory(By using a USB cable or via adb push command).

Reboot into recovery by pressing key combination or type the following command if you are on a PC:
$ adb reboot recovery

Wipe Data / Factory Reset
Format /system, clean Dalvik Cache (If you are coming from KitKat ROM)
Format Cache

This step may delete all your data.
Consider backup your all data out of your phone.
Data Backup guide

Select the Install Zip from SDcard option.
Select the ROM zip file where you have kept in the SD card and do the same for GApps also.

I am an embedded software engineer by profession and an advanced Android user who knows a little more than many out there. I work on creating and promoting GCam APK which is a modified APK done to get several extra features on the stock app in Android. Basically this is done using reverse engineering the original app file. I work on publishing about GCam APK Port, custom ROMs and some Linux how-to guides. I use this YouTube Blue APK and the NewPipe APK as a daily Youtube apps.

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