[ROM] MIUI V5 ROM for Sony Xperia Z L36H based on .238 KitKat factory FirmWare


This ROM is based on the stock .238 FW for Xperia Z L36H for locked and unlocked bootloader and is available in multi language.
This beautiful custom ROM is brought to you by miui member lpws521.

Installing custom ROM requires a custom recovery to be installed on your device, which may VOID your warranty and may delete all your data.
before proceeding you may consider backup your all data.
Please visit the Disclaimer page below to agree with the risks involved and proceed before flashing this ROM to your phone:
ROM Disclaimer link

Installing MIUI V5 ROM:

To flash this ROM you need the following flashable zip file:
MIUI V5 download link for Xperia Z1

Copy the MIUI ROM zip file to your SD card(By using a USB cable or via adb push command).

After copying the MIUI ROM zip file to your SD card you have to go to the recovery mode.
If you have a PC in hand with USB driver installed for your phone then type the following command to go to recovery mode:
$ adb reboot recovery
If you are coming from other custom ROMs rather than a stock ROM then consider the following steps.

Wipe data, system and do a factory reset.
This will delete all your data on your phone excluding the SD card data.
You may consider backing up your phone applications or make a nandroid backup.
Data backup guide

Select the Install Zip from SDcard option.
Browse and Select the MIUI ROM zip file where you have kept in the SD card.

When aroma is prompted choose your bootloader version (LockedBootloader/UnlockedBootloader and Sony VERSION C6603/C6602).

The flashing will take a while.
When it will be done you can reboot your system and enjoy the MIUI V5 on your beautiful Sony Xperia Z.

Stay tuned to get more updates

I am an embedded software engineer by profession and an advanced Android user who knows a little more than many out there. I work on creating and promoting GCam APK which is a modified APK done to get several extra features on the stock app in Android. Basically this is done using reverse engineering the original app file. I work on publishing about GCam APK Port, custom ROMs and some Linux how-to guides. I use this YouTube Blue APK and the NewPipe APK as a daily Youtube apps.

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