[HOW TO] Install Android Lollipop keyboard step by step guide with video tutorial

Recently Android Lollipop has been unveiled with the latest Motorola Google Nexus 6 device.
And the developer preview LPX13D is also unveiled recently.
The Android Lollipop Keyboard version 4.0 has been extracted from the same developer preview and re-built by XDA user Shaftamle.
This should work on Android 4.0 and later versions.

To get started first of all you have to download the Android lollipop keyboard over here:
Android Lollipop Keyboard download link
QR code for the Lollipop keyboard


[Lollipop Keyboard]

I have divided the installation into three parts as following:
- Installing and setting up the Lollipop keyboard
- Customizing to get the new look

Installing and setting up the Lollipop keyboard:

Hope you have downloaded the keyboard apk file.

Browse the apk file where you have kept and click on that file to start the installation.
You will get a notification saying App Installed and then click on open to get started.

Install_lollipop_keyboard Installation_Success
[Installing Lollipop Keyboard]

In the next screen click on the Get Started soft button.
Then click on the Enable in Settings, which will automatically enable the Android Lollipop Keyboard in the input settings.

Open_App Select_Enable
[Open the keyboard after installation]

In the next page click on the Switch input methods radio button.
This will ask you to Choose the input methods.
Select the Lollipop Keyboard here.

Switch_input_method Select_Lollipop_keyboard
[Select Lollipop keyboard in the input method]

Customizing the keyboard layout:

This step is really not required to work with the latest installed keyboard but if you want the Lollipop kyboard look then you should proceed for this.

Go to Settings > Language & input
You will see here the Lollipop keyboard is already enabled and set as the default keyboard.

Select the settings beside the Lollipop keyboard as shown in the below image.

Settings_language_input language_input
[Go to settings and Language and input section]

Now select on Apeearance & layouts > Themes

appearance_and_layout themes
[Select Lollipop keyboard in the input method]

You can see the below options in the theme that you can choose.

You can select here on the Material Light theme or anything else to get the desired look.

[Select Lollipop keyboard in the input method]

[Android Lollipop Keyboard Installation guide]

Stay tuned to get more of such updates.

I am an embedded software engineer by profession and an advanced Android user who knows a little more than many out there. I work on creating and promoting GCam APK which is a modified APK done to get several extra features on the stock app in Android. Basically this is done using reverse engineering the original app file. I work on publishing about GCam APK Port, custom ROMs and some Linux how-to guides. I use this YouTube Blue APK and the NewPipe APK as a daily Youtube apps.

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